Monday 24 June 2013

The Good vs. Evil Conundrum


It is the usual question. I often wondered why always the Good had to win over Evil. When I was 8, I asked my folks about it. They said, God is Good, which is more powerful than Evil and so it is always the Good that wins. I was convinced then. But again, the search for the question began when I began to think autonomously.

I had a few discussions with people in forums, from which I came to know a few facts. It was astounding that we have always overlooked these trivial things. There is, for the fact, no Good or Evil. As J.K. Rowling of the Harry Potter fame says,

“There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it”

Back then, when I was reading Harry Potter, this sentence did not mean a great deal to me. But now, it does. Ms. Rowling was spot on. There are deeds that we do which are deemed Good and Bad. In truth it is not. It is purely the ego, the brain, the perception of those.

If Adolf Hitler thought killing or evacuating the Jews was good for this country, his ego perceived the thought that way. It does not mean he was wrong. He was brought up thinking the Jews were his enemies. He did what he was taught about. So where is the Evil in it?

But was it? It is often the absence of a Universal truth that complicates the situation. There is no universal truth in anything. There is only a relative or perceptional truth. In general view, killing of people is Evil. But what do we do during war? We kill our enemies because we assume they are Evil.    So, Good and Evil are based on how we/our ego perceives a situation.

In generalized terms, the society does not want people harming it. So, it always sees to it that the Good wins over the Evil there by creating an illusion that only if you do Good, you will win, which it has done so very successfully that we cannot think beyond the point. In a ideal world, there would be nothing called Good and Evil.

Whatever you think is Good might not be good for others and vice Versa. So the next time you kill a fly and think you did a good, just re think about it.

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